Monday, June 30, 2008

Psychotic Tomato - Monster Crochet

It is a Tomato! With an eye.
It is a Psychotic Tomato from Monster Crochet.
Check out her other free patterns, they're way cool.

Yellow Hyperbolic Earrings

This is my latest creation. What do you think?
I'd say it is a cheery and fresh looking earrings.
Is it something you might want to wear?
I got a feeling it is too big. I think I'll make a smaller one next time.

Puzzle Bobble Cross-stitch

Anyone knows / likes the game Puzzle Bobble?

I found the pattern for this somewhere in the web, but I forgot where.
Well, I guess credit goes to Nintendo for the game.
Anyway, I just have to make one.
Finished it in a few hours.
Final size: 2 x 3 cm2 / 1 x 1.5"

Added: I just bought this keychain a few days ago. I simply put in the cross-stitch I already made. Totally Love it.
Anyone want one?

The REAL Tissue Holder

Well, you have seen the coin bank, and I thought that it could be a tissue holder instead, but of course, it is too small / no wide enough.

So I've made another one.
This time, it is blue.
And I must say, it looks pretty good.

Without further ado, here it is:

How do you like it?

Can't Stay Away Long Enough...

I just can't resist the temptations can I?

I still haven't finished my paper yet.

But there are just too many updates to do, I simply can't hold back anymore.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Order Form

Please scroll down and fill in the form below. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Full Name:



Mailing Address:

Name, Product Details (colours, size) & Number of Items:

I have read and agreed to the Terms and Conditions



form creator

Monday, June 23, 2008


Dear all,

I just want to inform you that I'll be taking a short break from blogging from now until indefinitely.
This action is taken with the self - consciousness that I need to concentrate on working on my final paper first (skripsi). Cos if I don't finish it soon, I will have to pay for next semester. And I don't want to waste more money unnecessarily.

I will also be doing the orders that I received recently. Can only make things after office, so it might take a while to finish... So be patient kay.... Will post pictures later...

Note: Please scold me if I appeared somewhere. It might mean I'm not doing my paper. lol

Friday, June 20, 2008

Artistic Amigurumi - amigurumi_art

Look at these fantastic amigurumi from amigurumi_art that I found at flickr. Simply marvelous.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Crafting With Love

Check out these retro-looking amigurumi animals here, and don't forget to visit her blog Crafting With Love and her flickr.

Chocolate and Strawberry Ice Cream Cake

Hm, actually, it is a cover for my boring coin bank can. Inspired by nettie's video on How to crochet a pen holder.

So, I started with dark brown, with the intention of making something that won't get dirty so easily, as compared to using a lighter colour. Then at first I thought of combining it with light brown, and I asked my bf, what colour goes with dark brown. And he said, pink. Cos chocolate goes with strawberry. Why didn't I think of that I wonder? It is perfect! Makes me think of ice cream. Actually I thought of making a neapolitan, but vanilla is a light colour, so I scrapped the idea. I am quite pleased with how it turns out!

Picture of Old boring coin can, from empty candy can, with self-made cardboard top:

Close up photo:
Oh yeah, drool all you want.... Yummy....

Note: I realize that the leaves are not the same. They're experimental, made without pattern.

The plain:

Without the leaves:

Bottom view: (Sorry dirty! ;p )
I added the rubber tape sometime later. Makes it easier to lift up. It holds up pretty well actually. As long as the can is not full with coins to the brim of course.

Anyway, I found that the slit for the coin turns out to be too narrow to fit our currency's biggest coin, so if I'm gonna make another one of these, I'll modify the pattern to make the slit wider.

Or, it can be a tissue roll holder too! Yey for multi-purposeness!
(Actually, I have to make a bigger one for a tissue roll holder. A regular sized tissue roll can't fit into one of these cans. This picture is just for show.)

So what do you think? Each time I look at it I'll think of Ice Cream. I'll bet you do too.

Hope you like it! ;p

Never Too Early for Christmas

It is simple I know, too simple perhaps. But I like it.
Anyway, I bet you agree with me that it is never too early to prepare for Christmas, especially for me since I never really finish making enough Christmas stuff for sell by the time it arrives. So this time I'm making a head start.

Free Pattern: Pencil Case

Okay, since someone over at craftster asked, I'm posting this pattern here.

Note: The pencil case will be turned inside out, so turn it inside out first before doing any colour change. Keep the tails of the colour change on the inside.

ch 40
R1: ch 1, turn, do sc in next 39 st, 2sc in last ch. Go over to the opposite side of the foundation 40-ch and do sc all the way, with 2sc in last ch. You should have total 82 stitches in one row.
R 2-5: Just go over to the other side immediately. You should have total 82 stitches in one row. hdc in both loops all the way. Turn inside out here.
R 6-8: change colour and do hdc all the way.
R 9-11: change colour and do hdc all the way.

Note: If you want the colour change to be not too visible, you can join the rows with slip stitch instead of crocheting in the round.

Finalize: Turn it outside in again, and sew on the zipper to the top row of the last round, and make sure the zipper is upside down! Next, open the zipper and turn the pencil case inside out. To make it easier, you might want to mark your zipper first, about 1/8" from the edge

Of course, you can change the colours and the number of rows as you like.

I hope it is clear enough. Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures of the process, but the next time I make another one, maybe I will. And then post it here of course.

Copyright Melisa Sriwulandari 2008.
Please just link to this pattern if need be.

I'm Back!

Hi people! I hope you've been wondering where I've been. lol

And in case you do, I have been gone for a 3-day franchise training.

It was fun, except for the fact that the training place is so far from my home (Kebayoran Baru). My bf was so nice to send me back and forth by motorcycle. Cos I have no idea how to get there on my own, I don't know what public bus to take and so on. And I'll most probably get lost. And might just never arrive at the place. lol. And if we had gone by car, it would have been nightmarish too, cos of the traffic jam. The journey'll take hours and hours. By motorcycle, we got there in less than an hour.

Glad to be back blogging. Not so glad to be back sitting in the office. Sigh.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Tutorial: Hyperbolic Crochet

Someone over at craftster asks me for a simpler way of explaining how to do a hyperbolic crochet so here it is!

So, what I did was:
1. 6sc into magic ring, or ch 2 and 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook (whichever you prefer).
2. Do [1sc in next 2 stitches, 2sc in next 1 stitches] all the way until the size wanted (I did 15 rows approximately).
3. Change colour and do [2sc in next stitches] ONE round.

I hope it is clear enough.

Note: The possibility of Hyperbolic crochet is endless. You can do increase in every 2, in every 4, in every 10, 20, or 17, or whatever number you want. Or change the number of beginning sc in the ring.

PS. "approximately" is the beauty of hyperbolic crochet, I love the fact that we don't have to keep tab on how many rounds we've done, and simply do the same routine over and over again as much as we like.

Little warning: I used a very very thin yarn for this (I don't know what's the usual name for this yarn). Hence it is only a few inches wide. I don't know how big it'll be if you use a thick yarn.

Copyright Melisa Sriwulandari 2008.
Please just link to this pattern if need be.

Free Pattern: Kerochan - Ournew

This Kerochan pattern from the anime series Cardcaptor Sakura is made by ournew (craftster). Very kawaii!!!

Free Pattern: Lighthouse - Kay

Kaycrafts from craftster has been nice enough to let me post this Crochet Lighthouse pattern here. Her site also features other patterns too.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Amigurumi Animals - nikii

Don't you just love these cute ami from nikii?
Posted here are some of my favourites. To see more, visit her flickr photostream.

Happy Turtle

Choco-Mint Dino


Green Bear with Brown Jar

(just cos I like green lol)

Red Hyperbolic Green Pencil Cover

I'm not good at making up names don't I? They're all just a description of the object.

Anyway, check out my new creation: a pencil cover! And being lazy me, I didn't want to make a flower or anything complex. So what did I do? I did hyperbolic. Yey! Hyperbolic is so easy and beautiful too! I'm totally in love with hyperbolic crocheting.

I even made a CAP for the pencil. So that it won't dirty my bag/pencil case.

So what do you think?

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Cross Stitch: Boy Angel

I did this a few years ago. In my early years of university. All I have to do now is buy a frame for it. Just didn't get around to buying it yet. Up till now...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Creepy Amigurumi - ip2much

I found these unusual creations from deviantart. Here are some of my personal favourites, but to view the rest of the creations in all their gory, visit ip2much's deviantart gallery. Some of them are so detailed, it's hard to imagine they're actually crocheted.

Mary had a Little Beaver

Nelly and Her Wiener

Severin, the Troubled Puppie

Of Headphones

Mushroom House - Sandy Meeks

I found this wonderful amazing Mushroom House from Sandy Meeks in the craftster forum yesterday. I'm absolutely dazed by the details she put in this creation! Especially that little bird up on the chimney. For more close-up pictures, visit this link to the post in the forum.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

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