Friday, February 22, 2008

Baru beli komik! Hehehehe...

Hari ini aku baru beli komik baru lho...
Here it is:

  • Cat's Diary 1 - Miwa Abiko
  • The Great Detective Kiyoshiro Yumemizu 3 - Kei Enue & Kaoru Hayamine
  • Yotsuba 5 - Kiyohiko Azuma
  • Shonen Star 37

Hmm... Can't wait till I have time to read them all. Ntar deh, I'll tell you what I think about the new series Cat's Diary next week after I read it, but I can tell you now what I think about Yotsuba. Dijamin bakal ketawa sampe ngakak. Sumpah deh.

Kalo Kiyoshiro Yumemizu, gimana ya, ceritanya lumayan, cukup bikin penasaran, tapi enggak spektakuler. Tapi enough to make me buy the rest of the series. :)

Kalo Shonen Star, ceritanya terlalu banyak buat dikomentariin semua. But, my favourites are Yakitate Japan, Wild Life, Dr. Koto & D-Live. Menurutku, Wild Life itu very educative, sangat cocok buat yang suka binatang. Yakitate Japan is fun to read, meski kadang rada berlebihan reaksi pas nyicipin rotinya. Hehehe. Dr. Koto juga educative, kita jadi bisa tau soal kedokteran hanya dengan baca komik. Enak kan? Kalo D-Live, hmm, bisa bikin ngerasa wow gitu. "Wow, keren..." Apalagi kalo ngeliatin aksinya si Satoru.

Tapi... ada juga yang payah. Seperti Comic Bomber. Ceritanya terlalu aneh deh. Kadang males juga bacanya.

Okey... that's the end of my comics review... Pada pergi beli di TMBookstore atau TMBooksmart terdekat ya... Hehehehehe....

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